No one knows what the body can do. -Spinoza

Monday, May 30, 2011

30 Day: The Song Challenge Explanation of Me

image taken from

Okay, look. By now most of us have heard about this damned 30-day song challenge where each day for thirty days you post a vid or link to a song that fulfills some description like "best song ever in the history of the world" or "song you must listen to while eating chocolate chip cookies" or some other description equally as inane and hard to answer.

The trouble is my whole life, both professionally and personally, is about hearing categorical statements like that and challenging the assumptions lying within them. It's near impossible for me to do something like say what my favorite WHATEVERS actually are. Still, I think going ahead and pinning myself down in these kinds of ways would be good for me, so I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna post here my own responses to the 30-day song challenge. This'll help get me back in the habit of blogging again too. But NO, I'm not going to wait till the first day of June to be all tidy and have a different song for each day of the month. I'm gonna just start now. Now, as in, in the very next blog post. Cheers!

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